The Various Types of Postpartum Wrap


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As a newbie in the world of postpartum gear for wrapping around your midsection of the body, you might get confused with far too many postpartum wrap wear terms. All these terms don’t make much of a sense if you see it all at the same time. In fact, all these terms can be extremely confusing for someone who has no experience with postpartum wraps. Before you buy some bellefit waist trainers, read up on these. 

Here’s us introducing you to some of the different types of cinching products you can find in the market: 

  • Belly Wrap

A belly wrap is just a wide but adjustable band that covers you down from the ribs to the hips. The band provides compression in a mild yet gentle form. Several companies provide the belly wrap specifically made for postpartum women. They are usually secured in place using velcro. 

  • Abdominal Compression Binder

An abdominal compression binder is essentially a medical device that is specifically designed to be worn after surgery of some sort. These are a no-frills type of bands that provide a medium type of compression. These, too, are secured with the help of velcro. These, however, aren’t designed specifically for postpartum women. They can be used by anyone who has had a surgery in the midriff section and also for those who underwent C-section delivery of their baby. 

  • Waist Trainers/Cinchers 

Postpartum Waist cinchers or waist trainers, on the other hand, are wide just as an abdominal compression binder. However, they cannot be secured tight using a velcro. Even though they are adjustable, they are secured using a line of hook and eye zipper, along the midsection, right from under the bust to the hips. These waist trainers for women are more commonly seen worn by celebrities on Instagram, such as Kim Kardashian & Jessica Alba. These wraps are made using latex or something stiff that may contain plastic or metal boning—this helps reduce the size of one’s waist and give a firm compression. 

  • Corsets

A corset is one of the best creations of mankind. They come in all shapes, sizes, and styles with varying levels of compression, all of which are considered a great shaping garment. They can be worn by themselves or underneath other clothing types. Make sure that when you use a corset, you use one that is medically graded and specifically helps women recover after childbirth. They offer a speedy recovery. However, using the wrong kind of corset can cause a lot of pain.

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