How to protect kids online privacy with OgyMogy Monitoring Software

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Online privacy has become necessary for everyone and especially for young teens. It does not mean that only adults privacy online is important. Today, young kid’s online privacy is at stake compared to the adults. On the other hand, young children don’t aware of the importance of online privacy. Over the years the cases of identity theft and privacy online of teens have been on the rise, but lack of awareness among children they have been the victim to the fullest. However, these sorts of issues of online privacy don’t come as a surprise at all.

Teens these days have own cell phone and computer machines connected to the cyberspace and they always lurk on social media platforms share multimedia, surname, home address, and even cell phone contacts. Therefore, we can say that online privacy of teens at stake and it is without the shadow of the doubt blind parenting spot.

Carnegie Mellon Study says:

It is stated that more than 40000 children under the age of 18 are twice under threat of online privacy compare to their parents become the victim of online privacy issues.

  • Almost 84% of school going kids and tweens aged pupil do believe that they are fully aware of changing the settings on social networking apps
  • 75% of the parents are worried about their children personal online activities and about their online privacy
  • 71% of the parents tell their kids about the importance of privacy online especially when they share personal information

Major reasons why teen’s online privacy is important?

  • Teens share their personal information
  • Identity theft
  • Encounter with online predators
  • Unsecured internet connection cause data theft issues
  • Teens have unused social security numbers
  • Cell phone of teens can theft or lost
  • Online privacy breaching can cause online shaming issues
  • Teens are not aware of the consequences of teen’s online privacy violations

Protect kid’s online privacy with OgyMogy cell phone monitoring app

Step1: visit the web on your phone or PC

Use your cell phone or computer device connected to the cyberspace and then visit the web and then you need to find out the best of the best privacy online protection tool. In my opinion, you can simply get it in terms of OgyMogy cell phone surveillance app to monitor teen’s online activities to protect their privacy.

Step2: Subscribe for OgyMogy mobile phone spy app

You just need to subscribe for mobile phone monitoring app and then you will get the credentials through an email given to the customer support.

Step3: Get Physical access on teens digital devices

Once you have the login credentials such as passcode then you need to have physical access on the target device and start the process of installation.

Step4: Use Credentials & get access to the web portal

When you have ended up with the process of installation then you need activate it on the target device.

Step5: Get access to online privacy protection tools

Now use the passcode and ID then get access to the online control panel where you can visit such type of tools that empower parents to know the activities of teens that comes under the radar of privacy sharing online. Let’s discuss all the types in the following that enable parents to protect teen’s online privacy.

Screen monitoring in real –time

It is the tools of the OgyMogy mobile phone surveillance app enable parents to record screen activities in real –time in the shape of back to back short videos of Chrome activities, social media, passwords, multimedia shared, emails and other activities in real –time.

Text messages monitoring

End user can read the text messages sent/received and even get to know to whom kids are sending the messages on cellphone network and as well as via social messaging app.

Email monitoring

Parents can also monitor kids email sent/received and even can read the nature of the content

Remote phone controller

You can stop teens to send messages, attend incoming calls of the strangers and even you can stop internet activities that come under online privacy threats. You can simply and remotely block messages, view installed apps, and block internet access respectively.


OgyMogy phone spy software is the best tool for parents that can keep updated you about online activities of children to the fullest and further you will be able to protect kids online privacy.

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