Author: PoojaSharma

Pooja is a digital nomad and founder of HotMail Log. She travels the world while freelancing & blogging. She has over 5 years of experience in the field with multiple awards. She enjoys pie, as should all right-thinking people.


Shop High Quality Canvas Tents for Camping

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Tent is the most crucial part of your camping tour and hence you need to invest in the best and high quality tent to sleep at …


Companies Hire Freelancers in Dubai at Lucrative Pay

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Dubai is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world right now. It has become a home to big multinational corporations and global business giants. More …


Gifting Ideas- Fruit Baskets

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Health is wealth, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body, he who has health has hope, etc. Are some of the quotes one has acquainted …

Tech News

Indications reveals when you need to fix your iPhone

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Do you really require another iPhone? They’re so exorbitant now, and yours is… fine. It’s fine. You’ve never been one of those people who need another …

Tech News

Social media monitoring with the help of IoT

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When we talk about social media monitoring we talk about a lot of things, like advertisment, tracking consumers and seeing patterns and trends but in the …


Best Skin Serums for Any Season

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Most of us want to look great all year long and our skin is the one feature sure to catch the eye. No matter whether you …


Five Tips for a Cost Effective Spa Clean

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Every modern home today has private spa facility at their bathroom. But what homeowners don’t know is the fact that their spa is susceptible to debris …


Reasons to visit Baku, Azerbaijan

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If you are a fan of Asian culture and want to visit one of the coolest travel destinations this summer, Baku is the word. Baku is …


Best Skin Serums for Any Season

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Most of us want to look great all year long and our skin is the one feature sure to catch the eye. No matter whether you …


Treat Your Foot Problems with a Reliable Foot Doctor Houston

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The feet are perhaps the most the neglected area of the body. It is a fact that each part of your body demands your complete attention …