Ever asked yourself what a wind turbine is? It’s a device that turns the wind kinetic energy into electric form. Nowadays, turbines are widely used, and this is because wind energy is sustainable, reliable, and cheaper. Again, the power converted by wind turbines has many impacts on our daily lives. However, you need to install the turbine to harness wind power, and the process requires special equipment.
These include;
1. Bolt Tensioners.
Bolt tensioners perform the same goal as Wrench torque. You can use them to secure joints by clamping nuts and bolts. Bolt tensioners operate by stretching the bolt directly against the flange. When using larger bolts, tensioning can result in a more precise load. However, there are different types of tensioners. You can get some varieties from IQIP, which offers high-quality foundation and installation equipment for onshore and offshore installations.
2. Flange alignments tool.
All holes should be adequately aligned to ensure complete bolting operations. However, during a tower construction project, misalignment might occur. This fault can lead to unwanted accidents, and you want your turbine successfully installed. Therefore if you notice some misalignments, use flange alignment equipment to bring the holes close and together.
3. Lifting equipment.
Turbine installation takes place either offshore or on land. Some components are cumbersome to lift with bare hands, requiring lifting equipment. Moreover, offshore wind turbines are complex compared to their onshore counterparts. You then need modern lifting tools, for instance, when lifting a giant turbine with heavy components. Some of the lifting tools that you can employ include:
- Strand jacks
- Hydraulic gantries
- Skidding systems
- Jack-up system
4. Torque checker.
Does your hydraulic torque wrench give the needed torque? It’s easy to find out with a Safe T Torque Checker. The tool verifies the torque of the entire hydraulic system on the job site. Your torque wrench may have recently been calibrated in isolation within a workshop environment. Can I tell you more? The torque is displayed on the digital readout to within +/- 1%. And this makes it an accurate way of confirming the torque supplied on the job.
5. Torgue Wrenches.
These hydraulic torque wrenches are offered in two types: square-drive, which uses separate hex sockets, and low-profile, which uses hexagonal cassettes. Low-profile types are appropriate for applications that require less clearance, such as when bolts are close together. Many come with ropes for safety working at heights, which is essential during turbine installations.
Wind turbines tools are essential during onshore and offshore turbine installation. They help speed up the process, minimize accidents, and ensure a perfect installation. Other equipment you can use include bulldozers, road graders, and cranes. They allow easy transportation to the worksite and easy lifting when handling heavy equipment.
It’s impossible to have a wind turbine installed without proper installation equipment. The tools mentioned above are among the most vital devices when mounting a turbine. Torque checker, lifting tools, and flange alignments equipment are all handy tools you shouldn’t leave behind when installing a wind turbine.